Current Top 5 Tv Shows (3)

Another blog post about my current favorite shows at the moment. As I think I have stated before I don't really watch Tv so I keep an eye out on Netflix and other shows I see are either from the ads showing on Youtube, or from even myself searching for shows.

The Following
This is the kind of series that I love. I really like murder, serial killer tv shows, don't know what that says about me but I just like it when the killer finally gets his comeuppance and gets put behind bars. First of all in this series Kevin Bacon is the detective hunting down a serial killer who has gotten quite a following of sick and sinister people, and eventually creating a following in his name. I have to say that the series is pretty well thought out and there are characters that you really route for. I have just finished watching season 3 and I cannot wait for the next season, if there is one that is. The dynamic between the detective and the killer is very interesting as the killer is very charismatic and intelligent, however completely insane as he believes that because the detective is so interested in capturing him, that he wants to become his friend. If don't like gore or anything with blood this isn't for you as although its psychological its also visual, however if it doesn't bother you I highly recommend this show.
Kind of a hard one to explain but the Colony is around the topic of an alien invasion within the near future. It circles around a family who have been put in a colony in L.A who's son was separated from them during the invasion. The story begins with an indication that there is a resistance within the Colony who want answers and out of this colony. The husband who was that rugged guy from Lost is given the chance to help government essentially by joining what is left of the police, which is on the alien side, however this is an effort to find his lost son. The wife however, Lory from The Walking Dead, is a member of the resistance which create trouble within the colony by killing police officers and the people who are in cahoots with these aliens. Its not a typical alien invasion tv show its more about survival and even has some politics, and you don't even get to see the aliens at all. There is even a 'factory' that they send the un-wantables, which is on the moon. If you want something different give it a try.
The Hundred
The Hundred is a series Ive been devoted to for 3 seasons now. Its set in the far off future where nuclear bombs have decimated the planet. Years later, the space station called The Ark containing whats left of humanity, send a hundred of the child delinquents down to the planet. They are running out of Oxygen and this is their last hope. Long story short the earth is habitable and they try and create a new life for themselves on the ground. Shortly after their stay they realize they are not alone, as a portion of humanity has adapted to live on the radioactive planet. I really like stories that have to do with survival, which this is all about. The children I would say are around the ages of 15-25 and for the first season they are mostly on their own. I am currently half way through the third season and things are getting pretty intense. If you like getting to know characters and then all of a sudden they die then you will like this series. Its based on a book by Kass Morgan, which I personally haven't read but I really like this series.
Jane The Virgin
Perhaps on the the lightest things in this post. This series is hilarious, and I mean laugh out loud funny. Its about a girl, or Jane, who goes in for a smear, which if your a girl in your 20's you've been for one at some point. This outline is pretty routine for doctors and nurses, but somehow Jane gets artificially inceminated. Turns out she was waiting until marriage to have sex, and turns out she actually is engaged. The story surrounds her as she has to tell her fiancé and how she's going to deal with this, and the actual father of the child and his wife. Get this, the father of the baby is actually her boss. I believe its some kind of Latina comedy which really works with the whole theme. This sort of reminds me of Ugly Betty, humor wise I mean. Completely different from my taste in Tv Shows but sometimes you do love something thats very different. If you like humor about something so outrageous as this happening I'd say you'd be hooked after the first episode.

Sword Art Online
I am a big fan of anime. I don't really like the silly childish ones but I do really like the art style. I've always wanted to be a professional illustrator and Ive loved drawing all my life, but that didn't become a serious thing for me until I reached 6th form in school and drawing anime. No one I knew was doing this so I thought Id give it a try, thus me researching anime and falling in love with watching it, I even read some manga back in the day. This anime is about the near future where you can sync into a game and its like you are there for real, and to do this you have to wear this headset. A villain appears in the game and declares if you die in the game you die in real life and you can't log out, the only way to escape is to win the game. In this game there are monsters and even players who become serial killers by killing other players. I am not exactly sure how long the characters are plugged into the game for however its enough for the main character who starts of with short hair to have long hair by the end. If you want to get into anime and don't know where to start and you're 20+ I would definitely suggest this anime. I was really sad when it was over even.

Thank you so much for the read. What Tv Shows have you been loving over the past couple of month? Plus anyone else as excited as I am for Game of Thrones season 6 in the next couple of weeks, I will fast so I can sit on my ass and stuff my face and just soak up all the amazingness thats Game of Thrones.

Many Thanks x


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