Hello 2015

I know, I know, this probably isn't the first ever blog post saying how fast 2014 has just flown by, but it has. Thinking back I can't really remember what I had accomplished in 2014.... Every year I set goals for myself to eat healthy, go to the gym, create more work and every year I manage to do some however I never stick to it, and end up recycling the same old goals for the year following. So I'm scrapping these goals and deciding that I shall begin to live life to the full for my final year of university

  1. Get Up Earlier. Ok, so its winter here in the Uk, and getting out of a very comfortable warm bed while its freezing isn't the most attractive thought... However while I was living with my grandparents over Xmas break I asked my grandfather to wake my up every morning at 8am. To some of you that might not be early for your day to day lives however for a bed hermit such as myself, getting up at 8am is quite a big thing. So, while at university, no longer will I stay in bed until 11am if I don't have a lecture and no longer will I stay up until 2am watching just one more episode. I have gotten my body clock how I like it now and I am determined to stick to it.
  2. Eat More Fruit & Veg. So I know that I stated previous that I will not be dieting or anything like that however.... This is not what I mean when I set this goal for myself. All I shall be doing is continuing eating what I want when I want it, however just be adding more fruits and veg to the mix just so that I get the added vitamins to my meals when otherwise I shall be going without.
  3. No More Clutter. I have to admit that I am a little hoarder. Empty boxes- Ooh ill keep that, could be handy for my next project. Receipts - Just throw them in my bag, and they never make it to the bin. Everything else - Ill keep / put that away later. In this case I really need to get my act together. I realize that I am one lazy bitch. Getting my ass in gear this year will help me to become more of an efficient human being!
  4. Stick To Writing A Journal. Every year I tell myself "THIS is the year that I shall stick to a journal and write in it every day and then look back at it and have a few laughs" however ill write in it for a couple of month and then get bored and not find the time to write in it. It has never been set as a goal for myself before, so Im hoping this year it will change. The journal that I have bought (which I shall be making a blog post about it) does feature some stuff that will possibly encourage me to write more. So we shall see about that.
  5. Budget. When I get my student loan I go a little cray cray. So this year I have found out that most of my money really is needed to fund university supplies and other stuff so I really need to budget myself more when it comes to personal spending. I have decided that when I get my wages from my work that will be my personal money and my food expenses and that is that. Any money left from my loan shall be for emergencies and go towards my savings.


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