
Showing posts from February, 2015

The LUV of LUSH.

Whilst doing my Dissertation project I started to think that I really do love LUSH. They are a great company with great products and I can remember the first day at university I knew I wanted to buy some LUSH.    The first product that I ever bought from them was the Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub, and it is still a favorite to this day. I use it as body scrub mostly because I think the salt is too drying on my face in particular. The scent is so fresh and it is such a joy to use, plus it contains vodka, helloooo student here. Speaking of being a student we are known for wearing next to nothing clothes on a night out which means we have to be baby smooth when going out, or we will have patchy tans. No one wants that am I right? So when it comes time to trim the hedges ( I mean on the legs ladies) I use the D'Fluff strawberry shaving soap, which contains real strawberries if you can believe it. It doesn't foam up like the conventional saving gels however

My Dissertation Project.

This year for my Dissertation project I have chosen to do my work based on Animal testing within the cosmetic Industry. I have been jumping from one subject to another with this module, and then decided that I would do my project about my homeland of Wales, however I didn’t really enjoy it as I thought this would take months in the planning and I wouldn’t really be able to use my Illustrations in the way that I would have liked. So I was going on and on at my boyfriend about the whole thing and then he offered up the suggestion of this project, animal testing within the cosmetic industry. This really intrigued me as I do love beauty products however I have never really thought of what does into them or how they had been tested. So upon researching I have found a lot of wrongs in a world that promotes perfection. You would think that there would be easy finds in the beauty industry that have no ingredients in them that have been tested on animals, it isn’t easy however it can b

Current MAC Lippie Collection

Perhaps compared to the average beauty blogger Mac Lipstick collection I do not have much however I have recently been on a Mac Lippy buying spree over the past few month so I thought that I now have a decent collection going on so why not share it..  From left to right : Velvet Teddy : Soft Matte Nude, more on the brown side. Mehr : Soft Matte Nude Pink, still on the brown side, very Kylie Jenner, exact colour as MAC Soar Lipliner. Ruby Woo : A MAC cult classic Matte blue toned red. Rebel : Purple/Deep Stain. Peach Blossom : Creamsheen. Sheer wash of peach. perfect for any look. Cream Cup : Creamsheen. Sheer Pale Pink. Perfect for those lighter looks in the summer.

January Favorites.

 I cannot believe it is the and of January already, better start getting ready for Christmas! But all jokes aside, it has gone super quick and to think that I have been wearing make up every single day, makes me think that this isn't that many favorites. I would like to think that this month my make up has been pretty minimal compared to the christmas festivities so with that I shall start with an oldie but a goodie, The Bubblegum lip scrub by LUSH. I don't usually have an issue with dry lips as I do carry a lip balm everywhere or apply it on before I go out, however on the odd occasion my lips did start to shed its winter coat and that makes flakey lipstick, which is not a good look. So I apply lip balm, stick the lip scrub to it and go to town, and because it tastes so darn good I just lick it off, which sounds disgusting considering that I'm consuming dead skin, but its my own so it doesn't bother me. This is also a good prep for when I want to wear any matte lipst

Make Up Store.

Make Up Store Cosmetics. Over the past few months I have been in love with Linda Hallberg ( blog -  lindahallberg ) who is a Swedish make up artist. Her photos of her make up are so gorgeous and I couldn't help myself checking out her blog on the daily. I started to notice that she used a lot of Make Up Store Cosmetics, however I don't know if she is a representative for the brand or not. So when I found out you can get Make Up Store products in the Uk through the  BeautyBay  website, I was all over that !! Initially the only purchase that I wanted to make was the Cake Eyeliner, that Hallberg uses on the regular. I thought that my winged liner was ok, however I could never get it just right so I thought if she could do it with this maybe I could... ? The eyeliner is unique due to the fact that you have to wet your brush to use it and it gives the user total control not the application. Although it is a water based product it lasts all day long and it is so easy t